Rishikesh is 242 km from Delhi so it is approximately 6 hours drive from Delhi airport. Preferred methods are following:
Reach Delhi International Airport or you can also take a direct flight to Dehradun Jolly airport. Delhi is 242 km while Dehradun is only around 15 km from Rishikesh.
From Delhi or Dehradun airport you can hire a taxi or if requested we can also send a taxi to receive you. The cost of which will be 80 dollars for Delhi and 20 dollars for Dehradun.
You can also reach Rishikesh by bus from Interstate Bus Terminus at Delhi. Take a Volvo or any luxurious coaches from Delhi to Rishikesh but keep in mind, bus journey can be very tiring. We can also send our taxi to receive you from the bus terminal or you can also hire an auto-rickshaw for RamJuhla but then you have to walk across the bridge to the school premises.
You can also take a train from Delhi for Haridwar which is 25 km away from Rishikesh. Haridwar is linked to many major cities in India. From Haridwar you can hire a taxi or we can also send our taxi to receive you on request in advance. The taxi charges from Haridwar to Rishikesh will be 20 dollars.
Swarg Ashram, Near Ram Jhula, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand-249304, India