Blog Akshi Yogashala

Why One Should Do Hatha Yoga?

Dec 11, 2018

Hatha Yoga is a preparatory process of yoga. Hatha is combination of two words ‘Ha’ means ‘sun’ and ‘Tha’ means  . Hatha yoga is about balancing the sun energy and the moon energy in you. You can explore Hatha yoga in ways that take you beyond certain limitations, but fundamentally, it is a physical preparation – preparing the body for a higher possibility.

In our body both of the sun and the moon energy is present. When these energies are balanced, we experience peace and harmony of the mind and our lives. When these energies are imbalanced, it leads to disturbances and discord, agitation, un-satisfaction and disharmony in life. Hatha Yoga is a yogic art to balance the energy of sun and moon, so that your body is in equilibrium and you feel peace & harmony. The energy of the sun effects Sympathetic Nervous System while the energy of moon effects Para-Sympathetic Nervous System.

yoga teacher training in rishikesh

In hatha yoga, there are stimulation asanas for example Surya Namaskar, etc. and relaxations asanas. These stimulation asanas helps in balancing the energy of sun while these relaxation asanas helps in balancing the energy of moon. The energy of sun is the life energy, the energy which drives us and makes us do work or activity while the energy of moon is the mental or cosmic energy which gives us mental thinking, intelligence and mental power.

So how these energies affect us? Well we can take children as an example- they are always hyperactive, often easily distracted as they have strong sun energy (life force) but less moon energy (mental force). When we look at elderly people, they are much less active as the energy of moon is dominant.

Hatha Yoga balances both energies, so that one can always be focused, active and mentally strong. The people who always gets distracted in life or unable to set their goals about life, should learn and practice Hatha Yoga.

 —– Written by One of Our Students who works at Cloudera. We share his personal experience with us and hatha Yoga and what he had learn here. 

” Once a time, I was also distracted, I drop out from my college, wasted my precious 5 years and created problems for many people including my family and myself. The Universe has some plans, I landed at Akshi Yogashala in Rishikesh, came here to learn Yoga under 200 Hrs TTC program ( Never to be a teacher 😀 ) and stayed for additional 3 months to deepen the practice but also to get focused for the life. The Yoga has changed me. Now I am working in Computer Vision and Robotics section at Cloudera. I learned most of the things, but Hatha Yoga has special place in my heart. I recommend that everyone should learn and practice Yoga. You can join Akshi Yogashala or any Yoga Teaching Center of Rishikesh – The Yoga Capital or any place. But Yes One should learn & practice Yoga.