Yoga in periods is extremely effective. Especially, when it comes to curing irregular periods, heavy blood flow and ease and comfort the cramps and pain. Therefore, yoga asanas and pranayama are the best medicine. And even it cures all menstruation-related problems.
For example, briefly, here’s how:
1. First, it stimulates the reproductive organs and leads to them better functioning.
2. Second, it decreases stress and completely relaxes your mind and body.
3. Third, it boosts your metabolism, therefore helps you to maintain your ideal weight.
4. Finally, it works on your hormones effectively and balances them.
The practice of yoga asanas provides a holistic journey towards physical healing. Within the cycle of our daily life, we experience specific times when we must make some modifications to the poses. For women, one of these times is the periods of menstruation, for sure.
Mindful yoga practice in periods
Menstruation can be a challenging time. It can be symptoms like cramps, heavy bleeding, back pain, pelvic discomforts and also emotional ups and downs. By exploring the correct and beneficial options for some yoga poses, women may find that deliberate yoga practice can help relieve these symptoms.
But just as some key poses are therapeutic for menstrual cycles. Indeed other yoga postures can aggravate menstrual symptoms and should be avoided. Of particular importance, inversions and deep twisting should not be performed during menstruation.
During the menstrual period, the pelvic vascular bed becomes more saturated with blood than at other times of the cycle. The uterine blood supply enters the uterus from the right and left sides of the pelvis via the uterine arteries. The uterine arteries have thick, muscular walls. And its located within broad ligaments that suspend the uterus from the pelvis structure.
Unlike the uterine arteries, the uterine veins are thin-walled. The thinness of the uterine veins makes them susceptible to collapse when excessive pressure is applied to them.
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What yoga practices better to avoid during moon days?
During inversions, the uterus is drawn downwards by gravity resulting in a pulling motion on the broad ligaments containing the uterine arteries and veins. This pulling or stretching motion of these delicate ligaments can also act on the uterine veins potentially leading to partial collapse or occlusions. Since the uterine arteries contain thick, muscular walls, they can resist collapse and continue to send blood flow into the uterus.
In conclusion, without a proper exit of blood out of the uterine veins, vascular pressure arises leading to an increase in menstrual bleeding.
Inversions and Twisting’s To Avoid:
- Adho Mukha Vriksasana (Handstand or Downward Facing Tree Pose)
- Bakasana (Crow Pose)
- Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)
- Halasana (Plow Pose)
- Vrschikasana (Scorpion Pose)
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Full Wheel Pose)
Do’s and and don’ts for yoga in periods
Don’ts: During menstruation, energy and physical strength can already be at low levels. Even performing physically challenging flows with low energy levels may result in poor execution and a loss of integrity. Performing balancing and standing poses with depleted energy can also result in loss of balance and stability.
Therefore, don’t practice bandhas and some pranayamas, like bhastrika and kapalabhati. Also should be avoided any practices involving work on core muscles.
Do’s: We recommend practicing yoga poses that encourage a state of grounding to alleviate the mental and emotional heaviness of menstrual symptoms. In addition, we also recommend that you use these modified practices. And then you can explore more gentle, restorative or supported variations of poses and flows.
These poses apply a kind massage to the pelvic and abdominal region. Similarly, this massaging effect can ease heavy bleeding and cramps.
- Upavisthakonasana (Seated Wide Leg Forward Bend Pose)
- Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)
- Gomukasana (Cow’s Face Pose)
- Balasana (Child’s Pose)
- Janu Sirsasana (One Leg, Head to Knee Pose) Skip it for the first 2 days.
- Marjaryasana – Bitilasana (Cat cow pose)
Twisting Poses:
It helps to relieve backache and cramps.
Lying Two Knee Twist
Seated Twists (in Sukhasana)
Supported Back Bends:
Ease pelvic discomfort while generating a relaxed state.
Setu Bandhasana (Spinal Lift or Bridge pose) with support (block placed under the sacrum and crest of the hips).
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Baddha konasana (Butterfly Pose)
Shavasana (Corpse Pose):
Relaxes and calms the nervous system and balances emotions.